Notice: The Short Interest Tracker is based on data sourced wholly from the FCA's daily short positions report. The information on this website is provided for information only. We don't provide any warranty as to the accuracy of the information on this site and it should not be relied upon in any way.

Disclosed positions for Zimmer Partners, LP

Notice: We no longer track disclosures after they drop below 0.5%. It is possible that the manager still holds a short position even if we are showing it as zero.

Company% shortchangeDate changed

Previous disclosures by Zimmer Partners, LP

Company% shortDate changed
WHITBREAD PLC 0.48% 6 May 2020
WHITBREAD PLC 0.59% 3 Apr 2020
WHITBREAD PLC 0.67% 23 Mar 2020
WHITBREAD PLC 0.59% 20 Mar 2020